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Is the link between alcohol and cancer risk exaggerated?

By Lauri Beekmann, 
Executive director, NordAN
July 6, 2024

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Respected health organizations focused on cancer prevention rather than alcohol emphasize that alcohol is a significant, preventable cancer risk, highlighting the need for greater public awareness.

Is the link between alcohol and cancer risk exaggerated? In a recent social media conversation, someone commented: “Science and knowledge change every ten years😉. Not long ago, the biggest culprit was sometimes eggs, sometimes red meat, sometimes milk.” This sentiment, reflecting scepticism towards scientific claims, is not uncommon. Indeed, media coverage can sometimes sensationalize scientific findings, leading to public confusion and scepticism. This phenomenon can obscure important health messages, such as the link between alcohol and cancer.


It is essential to clarify that alcohol is not the biggest cancer risk factor, and not everyone who drinks will develop cancer. However, alcohol use remains one of the most significant preventable risk factors for cancer, alongside tobacco use and excess body weight. This fact alone underscores the importance of recognizing alcohol's role in cancer prevention.


Awareness about the link between alcohol consumption and cancer risk is alarmingly low. A survey found that only 21% of women across 14 European countries were aware of the connection between alcohol consumption and the risk of developing breast cancer. Among men, awareness was even lower, with just 10% knowing of this link. This lack of knowledge means that many people are not making fully informed choices about their health, which raises the urgency of increasing public awareness about this issue.


Yet, some argue that emphasizing alcohol as a major cancer risk factor might be overstating the case. However, it's important to note that the organizations making the claim about alcohol's significant role in cancer risk are those focused on cancer prevention, such as the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), cancer societies, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the European Commission. These institutions are examining the issue from the perspective of cancer prevention, not from an anti-alcohol stance. Despite this, they still conclude that alcohol consumption needs to be given more attention as a cancer risk factor. Their primary concern is combating cancer, and if they emphasize alcohol's role, it warrants serious consideration.


If the push to recognize alcohol as a significant cancer risk factor came primarily from organizations like ours, which focus on alcohol policies, one might question whether the message is being oversold to advance an overall alcohol policy agenda. However, when major health organizations, whose sole concern is cancer prevention, underscore the importance of addressing alcohol consumption, it is a call to action that should not be ignored.


These organizations present sobering predictions about the future, indicating an increase in lifestyle-related cancers in the coming decades. Alcohol is a notable component of this concerning trend. Therefore, it is not about overstating the risks but about making sure people are aware and can make informed decisions.


So yes, while it is true that media coverage can sometimes magnify scientific findings, the link between alcohol and cancer is supported by significant evidence from reputable health organizations. This connection is not being overstated; rather, it is a crucial part of the broader narrative on cancer prevention. Public health efforts must continue to raise awareness and educate people about the risks associated with alcohol consumption, ensuring that they have the knowledge to make informed choices. Alcohol might not be the biggest cancer risk factor, but it is one that is within our power to change, making it an essential focus for cancer prevention strategies.

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